cd evm-station
go mod tidy
/bin/bash ./scripts/
/bin/bash ./scripts/
# After successfully running the two start commands to logs
Ctrl + c
# Save information (Address, seed,...)
# Run evmosd in tmux
tmux new -s rollup
/bin/bash ./scripts/
# Ctrl b + d -> exit
Get private key: (Save Γ¬nomation)
/bin/bash ./scripts/
5- Setting Up DA Keys and Running DA Client: amd64Change [keyname]
eigenlayer operator keys create --key-type ecdsa test
? Enter password to encrypt the ecdsa private key:
ECDSA Private Key (Hex): b3eba201405d5b5f7aaa9adf6bb734dc6c0f448ef64dd39df80ca2d92fca6d7b
Please backup the above private key hex in safe place.
Key location: /home/ubuntu/.eigenlayer/operator_keys/test.ecdsa.key.json
Public Key hex: f87ee475109c2943038b3c006b8a004ee17bebf3357d10d8f63ef202c5c28723906533dccfda5d76c1da0a9f05cc6d32085ca1af8aaab5a28171474b1ad0aa68
Ethereum Address 0x6a8c0D554a694899041E52a91B4EC3Ff23d8aBD
6- Setting Up and Running Tracks:
cd $HOME
sudo rm -rf ~/.tracks
cd tracks
go mod tidy
#Change <moniker-name> & daKey (ECDSA Private Key (Hex): b3eba201405d5b5f7aaa9adf6bb734dc6c0f448ef64dd39df80ca2d92fca6d7b)
go run cmd/main.go init --daRpc "" --daKey "daKey" --daType "eigen" --moniker "<moniker-name>" --stationRpc "" --stationAPI "" --stationType "evm"
7- Create Keys for Junction: Save infomation and faucet amf in Discord.
#Change <account-name>
go run cmd/main.go keys junction --accountName <account-name> --accountPath $HOME/.tracks/junction-accounts/keys
go run cmd/main.go prover v1EVM
8- Create Station on Junction:
Get nodeid:
cat ~/.tracks/config/sequencer.toml
#Change infomation (<account-name>, your ip vps, <node_id>)
go run cmd/main.go create-station --accountName <account-name> --accountPath $HOME/.tracks/junction-accounts/keys --jsonRPC "" --info "EVM Track" --tracks <wallet-address> --bootstrapNode "/ip4/<node_id>"